For centuries, mankind has been trying to figure exactly why the body is aging? Why do some people live to the centenary, while others shrivel and fade away at the age of sixty? One thing is clear: aging starts in a straightforward way – at first there is a decrease in various biochemical reactions, brain activity drops, heart and liver function deteriorates, production of collagen – a protein responsible for the growth of new tissue cells slows down. As a result – the skin gradually loses its elasticity and firmness, wrinkles appear. Then comes the gray hair, problems with joints and blood pressure, it becomes difficult to walk the stairs. But the fact is that the described diseases are only the consequences of aging, and what is its cause? Read more
But to answer this question, you should first understand what life itself is based on? So, life exists thanks to two molecules: DNA and various protein-peptides – that is, chains of combinations of different protein alpha-amino acids – there are 20 types of those. And, if DNA is that matrix, that headquarters, which regulates all biochemical processes in the organism, peptides represent not only building material for new cells, but also a kind of messenger, carrying orders from the HQ to ordinary cells, that they would develop in organism harmoniously and timely. And when the cells suddenly start to fail, it is the peptides who bring the orders to the reserve stem cells, that they should replace the wounded or stale fighters of the cellular front.
The pattern starts to emerge: if the peptides, as they say, spin well, the cell front works without failure. If the messengers suddenly fail, become sluggish and sluggish, it is transmitted to the cells. As a result, the malfunction covers the whole organ, and it leads to disease and old age.
And the question arises: how to cheer up these peptides, so that they would work tirelessly? It turns out that they can be stimulated by the body itself, able to restore peptides at the expense of other peptides and free amino acids. This discovery of the importance of peptide nutrition, made in the early 70’s, many biologists have compared with the launch of the first satellite, and not accidentally: for example, mice, who received specially treated animal peptides in the diet, lived, on average, a third longer than their usual congeners.
Soon, new peptides-based medicines were created, and then – biologically active additives (BAAs), which became an integral part of the diet of all athletes who dreamed of vocation. Thus, began the era of synthetic dietary supplements and protein cocktails. Soon, however, it became clear that synthetic cocktails had their own negative side effects: synthetic amino acids generated such phenomena as amino acid antagonism, amino acid toxicity and imbalance. It turns out that the correct synthesis of peptides does not require so much excess proteins, but a balanced set of all kinds of amino acids – in fact, of the 20 types of L-amino acids, 8 are indispensable – that is, the body cannot synthesize them itself, and, therefore, should receive them only with food. For example, valine – one of the main components in the growth and synthesis of body tissue – found mainly in chicken eggs, walnuts, corn and legumes, and lysine, a powerful source of energy for immune system, involved in the synthesis of collagen and connective tissue obtained from fish, meat, dairy products.
The problem of creating such a balanced diet can only be solved by qualitatively new Biotechnology. In particular, the method of deep processing of animal and plant materials into a complex of biologically valuable, active and accessible substances – Hydrolyzates of natural proteins. This method has been continuously perfected for almost 10 years by an international alliance of leading Russian and European research centers, and now, thank to the efforts of Symbio, this protein (also known as HP) will become part of our daily diet.
What is this enzymatic protein hydrolysate – HP?
HP is a highly digestible protein food that can almost fully compensate for the lack of all amino acids. Unlike its synthetic precursors, HP is based exclusively on natural raw materials.
Its production consists of several stages. Raw materials are selected on a rigorous basis in terms of quality and safety. Those are then crushed and transported to reactors where a controlled process of nanobiotechnology extraction and hydrolysis of proteins is carried out. This process is remotely similar to the way we cook broth, only, in contrast to traditional cooking, the new technology is much less energy consuming – the process takes place at a temperature of 53 – 55 degrees Celsius, and more efficient – the yield of protein in the solution increases exactly 3.5 times.
In addition, the gentle conditions of the extraction process allow the biological and functional properties of the protein to be fully preserved. The process of protein hydrolysis in reactors is carried out by natural biocatalysts – proteolytic spectrum enzymes. These enzymes are known to most of us from everyday life – we resort to them in critical situations when our body can’t cope with the digestion of that large number of salads, kebabs, steaks, steaks and other delicious products that we consume with great pleasure very often or occasionally. On these occasions many of us have lifesaving boxes full of means to help our body to survive the stresses of gluttony. During hydrolysis, these special enzymes separate protein molecules into peptides and free amino acids.
And so, at the output we get a transparent Broth, rich in natural protein fractions, for the assimilation of which the body needs to spend significatnly less energy, time and effort than to obtain the same amount of proteins naturally. For example, if you mix 10 grams of this protein broth with a regular soup – then only one plate of this soup will bring your body almost half – more than 40% – of the daily norm of all amino acids. Plus HP broth already contains all the necessary microelements. Here, of course, it is necessary to make a small excursion into biology and explain to the reader that a person, as well as most of the representatives of the animal kingdom, is not able to independently absorb most of the inorganic minerals from the environment and include them in metabolic processes – only representatives of flora: plants, algae, fungi and bacteria can do it. However, humans obtain minerals by consuming these plants. Simply put, if a person has a shortage of iodine in the body, he does not need to dilute the water and drink it by litre – it is not only useless but also harmful. Instead, you need to eat seaweed and seafood, which have already removed iodine from seawater and processed it in the best form for human assimilation. Similarly, with iron deficiency it is useless to swallow steel balls from a bearing, because to make up for this deficiency there is a hematogen – that is, the dry purified blood of cattle, which contains iron in the form of red blood cells. The same principle also applies to protein hydrolyzates, which, thanks to the unique technology of food processing, already contain the necessary raw materials.
That’s why Fermentative Protein Hydrolyzates in many countries have become an indispensable product for people under increased physical and emotional distress (it seems that now there are no other kinds of people out there), for teenagers who, because of their love for fashionable “fast food”, deprive their bodies of most of the essential amino acids, as well as for older people who assimilate no more than 30% of the native protein (or none at all) contained in the original natural raw materials.
Enzymatic hydrolysates of proteins should be an essential part of the daily diet of people who are unable to receive a full range of native proteins in their regular food – and, according to World Health Organisation, there are over 4 billion people on this planet that deal with this struggle. In fact, protein hydrolysates are one of the main tools to prevent chronic protein hunger that threatens our planet in the very near future. Natural Fermentative Protein Hydrolysates are the basis for long and happy lives of people, animals and fish, plants and microorganisms.